Choose an electricity contract that suits your needs, your home and your life. Do you have electrical heating or do you live in an apartment building? Are you planning to move soon or have you just moved to a new home? Can your finances tolerate changes in the price of electricity or do you want predictability? These are questions you should consider when choosing an electricity contract.
Did you know that even though we are a local energy company based in Kerava and Sipoo area, we sell electricity to everywhere in Finland?
Let us help you to find the right contract for you!
Regardless of where you live or in what kind of an apartment or a house you have, we can find the right electricity contract for you. We sell electricity to everywhere in Finland.
Unfortunately, currently you can only make contracts online or in our portal in Finnish or Swedish. If you want to make a contract with us using English, please contact our customer service either by telephone, via email or you can visit our service desk in Kerava.
Joustosähkö is a contract where your electricity usage affects the price. Depending on when and how much you use electricity, your price may be higher or lower, depending on the consumption effect.
Energy price for 12 months 7,70 c/kWh
Energy price for 24 months 7,50 c/kWh
Monthly basic fee 5,50 €/month
Joustosähkö Luonnonvoima (fully renewable)
Energy price for 12 months 7,85 c/kWh
Energy price for 24 months 7,65 c/kWh
Monthly basic fee 5,50 €/month
Joustosähkö CO2-free
Energy price for 12 months 7,70 c/kWh
Energy price for 24 months 7,50 c/kWh
Monthly basic fee 6,00 €/month
VAT 25,5 % included
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As the name “perussähkö” in Finnish says, this is a very basic electricity contract. The price is fixed for the whole contract period.
Energy price for 12 months 8,70 c/kWh
Energy price for 24 months 8,50 c/kWh
Monthly basic fee 5,50 €/month
Perussähkö Luonnonvoima (fully renewable)
Energy price for 12 months 8,85 c/kWh
Energy price for 24 months 8,65 c/kWh
Monthly basic fee 5,50 €/month
Perussähkö CO2-free
Energy price for 12 months 8,70 c/kWh
Energy price for 24 months 8,50 c/kWh
Monthly basic fee 6,00 €/month
VAT 25,5 % included
Fiksusähkö is our exchanged priced electricity contract. The prices of Fiksusähkö change daily and hourly according to the Nord Pool exchange pricing. The price consists of the hourly energy price (c/kWh), margin (c/kWh) and Monthly basic fee (€/month).
Margin 0,60 c/kWh
Monthly basic fee 4,04 €/month
Fiksusähkö Luonnonvoima (fully renewable)
Margin 0,90 c/kWh
Monthly basic fee 4,04 €/month
Fiksusähkö CO2-free
Margin 0,60 c/kWh
Monthly basic fee 6,07 €/month
VAT 25,5 % included
Varttisähkö prices are updated quarterly. The prices are updated on the first of January, April, July and October. The new price will be informed a month before.
Energy price 11,90 c/kWh
Monthly basic fee 3,99 €/month
VAT 25,5 % included
Keravan Energia offers only the best service for companies and housing cooperatives. With us, you pay only for the energy. We have been leading experts on energy since 1906 and with experience comes vision. We map our our customers’ needs carefully and offer tailored solutions.